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How to avoid the most common car accidents in winter

By, 2018-12-16


Winter is the season with the most number of traffic accidents due to weather conditions that affects smooth driving in many ways. This unstable condition affects the visibility of drivers, especially when it rains heavily or fog or dust storms that affects the driver's ability to drive. With all the previous effects, the chance and the rate of traffic accidents increases. Drivers must be careful while driving in the rain to avoid various types of traffic accidents.


What are the common traffic accidents in winter and how to avoid them?


1. Slipping accidents


This is considered the most common type of accidents in winter, due to the presence of water on roads that helps the car slip when using brakes. Such incidents usually occur because of not abiding with the speed limits on roads; when the brakes are used at high speeds in the presence of water on the road, this leads to car slipping accidents.


This type of accidents can be avoided by adhering to speeds limits on roads and driving slowly, especially when roads are wet. You should also use brakes firmly. In the event of a slide, you must handle the incident wisely and not to press the brakes because it increases the severity of the slide but you have to turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide until the car stops.


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2. Rear collisions


The lack of safety distance between cars is the main cause of rear collision. You should We leave sufficient safety distance that is double the distance you leave on normal days. Leaving that big distance will allow you to give enough space between cars to handle emergency in this weather conditions without hurting other vehicles.


The solution to avoid this type of accidents in winter is to leave a large and enough safety space between cars so there is enough distance to deal with accidents or slipping without endangering other vehicles


Further reading: How to choose the right oil engine in winter


3 - Deviation from the track


Heavy rain affects the visibility of drivers, making it difficult to see and determine the right path and track while driving. It is possible that the driver will not notice the lines between the tracks on the same road, leading to deviating from the right path and thus causing serious traffic accidents.


In this case and to avoid causing traffic accidents, the driver must be fully aware while driving and not taking risk if he is tired. You should also ensure that the headlights are working well to use during driving in bad weather. A safe distance must be maintained between you and the vehicle in the front and beside you. You should also abide with speed limits on the roads in order to maintain your safety and safety of others.


Read more: Adjust your car mirror perfectly to avoid blind spots


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