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The Best Way to Drive on Steep Slopes

By, 2018-07-28

the best way to drive on steep slopes



Driving requires practicing and needs you to be prepared for any circumstance. Driving on paved roads in cities is certainly different from driving in nature, such as cliffs and hills. Not all drivers have the ability to drive on steep roads, so it is important to learn to drive properly on the slopes either on hills or above sand dunes and you will find that driving properly represents a great challenge, strength and experience to deal with brakes, engines, gravity and other conditions.


Further reading: How often gear oil should be changed? Why?


Learn the best way to drive on the slopes. Here are some tips:


1. Maintain the downshift of the gear for 3% when you don from the slopes. Do not forget to keep the rpm(rotation per minute) about 1000 to 1500 rpm, and make sure you do not drive at a higher speed than the standard. If you are driving at speeds This will make your car overheated.


2. Driving down from the slopes depends heavily on the type of engine, the weight of the car and the degree of slope also. You will notice that the car is pulled down the slope due to gravity, which leads to automatic acceleration so you need to control the acceleration or you will lose control of the car and that through proper use For brakes.


Further reading: How to cool an overheated engine?


3. Proper use of brakes:


Is the use of brakes a safe way to get off the slopes? And why?

If you think that using the brakes while driving on the slopes is the best way to control the car safely, let me tell you that this driving will be risky and will put your car and your life at risk of death!

You have to use the brakes in a correct manner and not to rely on them entirely in the process of driving on the slopes. The engine plays a crucial role here with the brakes, if you use the brakes only, that will increase its temperature significantly because of the increased friction due to the weight of the car for a long time. The use of brakes only would Ignites the tires, igniting the entire car and endangering everyone's lives.


How to use brakes properly?

You have to make sure that the engine is running continuously and to abide by the appropriate speed so as not to be a lot of pressure on the front axle and front wheels of your car and cause the turning of your car. The car engine is the first control which can protect you from sliding and turning.


Further reading: Causes of Car Accidents in Qatar & How to Prevent them?


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