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Do not Top off Your Gas Tank

By, 2018-03-10


We have mentioned before in How to Get Your Car Ready After Winter article that  the climate, temperatures, and rains have a great impact on your car's component: tires, engine, glass, etc.  and on humans, also. You, for sure, feel the increase of the temperature in Qatar nowadays and it will get higher in the coming days. In this regard, you have to take care of your car protecting it from breakdowns and defaults.  The fuel and the fuel tank are the most important parts of the car and the most dangerous, too; you can not turn on and drive the car without fuel and if you top off your gas tank, it will cause a lot of damages on your car, yourself and the environment. These are some of the damages resulted by topping off car's gas tank:


          1. Damaging the charcoal filter:

Cars mostly have charcoal filter made by coal inside the fuel's tank itself; it purifies the fuel from all impurities. In case of topping off you fuel tank, a lot of pressures on the  charcoal filter will be produced causing a lot of damages on  it without your notice. Topping off your gas tank and the increase of the temperature in these days affect it very bad since the vapor increases, too.


2. Wasting you money and gas:

Regarding to the EBA, gas stations are made with a vapor recovery system; when you top off your gas tank, the extra fuel and gas will return back to the gas station by the same pump. This system is used as a safety precaution to a avoid the gas getting out to the environment causing more pollutions.

You will pay much more money for nothing!


3. Burning:

Topping off your gas tank especially during long trips scared from being out of the gas might put an end to your life and your family's particularly during Summer. The full fuel tank is likely to lead to gas and fuel spills; if there is a source of heat whether from inside or outside, the car will be burnt immediately.


4. More damages to the environment:

We are bearing responsibility to save and protect our environment; gas and fuel spills would increase pollutions damaging the environment and the Ozone Layer.

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