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How you can increase horsepower for your vehicle

By, 2018-10-29


Cars of various types come with a certain horsepower according to certain criteria of the producing company.Increasing the horsepower of the engine is one of the most common interests for car owners and enthusiasts of speed and power in cars.Some car owners visit maintenance centers to raise the horsepower of their cars and lose a lot of money in vain.


There are some modifications and ways you can do it yourself or with the help of a specialist in cars, which will increase the horsepower of your car and greater the engine torque and horsepower.


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The best ways to increase the horsepower of your car


1 - facilitate the flow of a large amount of air into the engine


The flow of a large amounts of air into the engine can be facilitated by the use of a large air filter. In addition, the engine can be improved by using a high-flow air filter with low air resistance. These modifications will increase horsepower in the car from 5 to 10 HP.


2 - Changes inside the engine


The cylinder head can be changed in the vehicle to increase horsepower. Some engines are equipped with two valves resulting in poor engine performance, so changing the cylinder head to four valves rather than two valves is good for increasing the horsepower of the car. This change improves the air flow, increasing the engine's capacity significantly and remarkably.


3. Improve the engine computer


It is good to optimize the engine computer through a power unit which in turn will help increase the horsepower of the vehicle.You can remove the battery-related negative power cord and locate the car computer, then place the power module between the cables and the computer and reconnect the negative power cable to the battery. This will increase the horsepower of the car up to 30 hp.


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4 - Cooling the engine interior


Cooling the air inside the engine has a big role in raising the horsepower in the car.The pressure of the air inside the engine increases the temperature, which may reduce horsepower in the car.Therefore it is important to provide the car with an internal cooling system of the engine through which the compressed air passes in to be cooled before entering the cylinder.


5 - Upgrade the fuel capacity


It is known that the greater the capacity of the engine, the greater the horsepower in the engine while driving.This will change the horsepower capacity of the vehicle.It is possible to increase the engine to the CC by installing larger cylinders in the car.But it is important to know that when increasing the engine's capacity, the consumption of fuel will increase.


6- Changing the computer programming of the car


Changing computer programming can increase the horsepower to 10 hp and give flexibility in speed. It is not recommended to change the electronic slides with other re-programmed segments. But the entire computer can be changed to another sports computer and there are many companies that provide computers for all engines.


With these modifications to your vehicle, you will get an increase in horsepower that can reach 50 hp.You can do some of these modifications yourself, but it's best to have an expert with you when you make those adjustments.


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