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What are the Causes and Signs of Low Oil Pressure in the Car

By, 2018-10-07


Oil pressure plays an important role in maintaining the engine of the car. Good oil pressure in the engine avoids friction and heat problems. Low oil pressure causes significant damage to the engine and other engine parts. Car owners should maintain appropriate oil pressure in the car to avoid many risks and damages that can be caused by low oil pressure. But, what are the reasons and signs of low oil pressure in the car?


What causes low oil pressure in the car?


There are many reasons that causes low oil pressure in the car:


1- Problems in the oil pump


Problems in the oil pump reduce the oil that reaches the engine parts and thus reduce oil pressure inside the engine.


2 - Low oil level in the engine


When oil level is low, due to oil leakage or combustion, oil pressure inside the engine decreases.


3 - Expired Engine lifespan


This means that the engine does not operate efficiently and therefore reduces oil pressure in the engine.


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4 - High  level of oil in the engine above the normal limits.


When the oil level rises in the engine, this causes bubbles of air which enter the oil pump and that in turn causes low oil pressure.


5 - Clogged oil filter due to a lot of dirt.


This reduces the amount of oil attached to the engine.


6. Damage to oil pressure sensor.


7 - Oil with low viscosity as a result of oil pollution with gasoline.


8- Corrosion of camshaft and elbow.


9. Problems in oil pressure vent valve.


Further reading: Pros and Cons of Electric Cars


What are the signs and indicators of low oil pressure in the engine?


If you find one of the following signs, it means having low oil pressure in your engine


1 - Regular lighting of  low oil pressure sign in the car.


2 - Sounds coming out of the engine because of the low oil level inside the engine which increases corrosion within the engine.


3 - The engine does not work efficiently due to increased friction within the engine and increase the resistance to this friction, which weakens the engine capacity.


4- Oil pressure warning signs stay on after starting the engine.


5 - The difficulty of starting the engine due to increased friction between its parts due to weak lubrication.


It is preferable to check the oil pressure when finding one of the abovementioned signs in the car. As low oil level or damage in the sensor may be the reason for low oil pressure in the engine.


How do I check oil pressure in a car?


A mechanical pressure gauge is used to check oil pressure in the vehicle. Connect the device to the engine and check the connection quality in order not to cause oil leakage. When checking the oil pressure, you should check the oil pressure data of your vehicle. The test is conducted as provided in the maintenance catalog. After reading the pressure, the reading should be compared to the standard data in the catalog.


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