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How to Protect Your Car Exterior During Summer

By, 2018-09-08

How to Protect Your Car Exterior During Summer


No one can argue about the beauty of Summer and his wonderful trips with family and friends, however; the bright sun causes many car problems. As you sometimes get sunburned, your car also suffers from high temperature in summer and its exterior could be burned. As you protect yourself from summer sun, follow these steps to protect your car from the heat of the sun.


Protect your car from sunburn


As temperatures rise in the summer, the rate of UV radiation rises and is responsible for sunburn. Over time, UV dyes absorb and affect colors and make them change and fade. Plastic and polymers also absorb these rays and decompose and become fragile and variable in shape. This is bad news, is not it? Do not worry


Here are several solutions to protect your car paint and some are cheap:


1- Find shade


This is the first and free way to protect your vehicle from sunburn. Always look for shade to park your car since standing in the shade makes the car 20 degrees cooler inside than of the car parked under the sun. You can also buy heat-proof covers that can prevent 100% UV radiation and they are affordable, easy to use and do not take too much space to save.


Read more: How to help your car tiers survive extreme heat during summer?


2. Use sunscreen


We do not mean here the sunscreen you use for your skin, but we mean the wax that keeps your car from sun. There is no difference in WAX types used to protect cars, so you can simply buy any brand that suits you and your budget. Although it is just a thin layer placed on the exterior of the car it is very effective in maintaining the exterior from the sun. This layer must be replaced every few months as it disappears over time.


Always keep your car clean, use a high-quality automotive wash soapinstead of using house cleaners that can damage the paint. And as they say prevention is better than cure, even if it is expensive, it is worth it.


It is not necessarily that the best is most expensive and the newer type. Some products may not deserve that popularity, such as nanotechnology, ceramic or other. Ceramic layers may provide a more durable layer if compared with wax, but are much more expensive and need to be applied professionally. If you pay the same price for wax, you will buy enough wax to protect your car during summer.


Further reading: How to cool an overheated engine?



But what to do if the car is actually sunburned?


Sure, knowing how to avoid sun damage is great for a new car owner, but what about an old car that looks already burned? 


How to remove sun spots from car paint?


Start with a clay bar, which is easy to use and can remove the outer layer of paint. If that does not work, it is time for more effort. Use a "rubbing compound" and a "buffer". Place a small amount of the compound and rub a small area at a time even if the entire hood needs cleaning. After you have done this, place WAX on the area where you worked. In difficult situations, it is best to go to a specialist to repair it and do not forget to put wax after it to protect it from the sun.


Do not forget the small parts:


Protect the exterior parts is more than just paint, so do not forget plastic and rubber. Use a plastic polish to prevent cracked plastic and keep it bright. For rubber parts, use an enhanced formula to protect rubber from going brittle.


Modern non-glass headlights are also exposed to sun, so use sunscreen films for it or simply use a headlight protection spray.


Read more: 9 Best ways to protect your car during summer in Qatar


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