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9 Tips to Prevent Motion Sickness

By, 2018-07-02


We are now in summer, which is full of holidays, trips and adventures and this is the most suitable time for traveling by vehicles for long destinations. However, there are some problems that can occur and disturb travelling, including the illness of a family member or friends during the trip.


We know that long distance travel will affect the health of passengers and make them feel tired, as the most common diseases related to long distance travel is motion sickness. Some people feel dizzy during traveling by vehicles, sea or aircraft. Children are most likely to have dizziness when traveling long distances or using one of the previous modes of transport.


There are a lot of symptoms associated with dizziness such as nausea and headache and there are some tips you can follow to avoid motion sickness before traveling and while traveling.


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Tips to avoid motion sickness before traveling:


1. Do not travel with a full or empty stomach:

Traveling on a fully-filled or completely empty stomach can cause nausea and dizziness. You should eat a snack 45 or 60 minutes before traveling to reduce nausea and dizziness.


2. Choose the right place:

It is better to avoid the rear seats and prevent people with dizziness from sitting in the rear seats because they are more prone to vibration and bumps.


3. Drink Ginger:

Ginger plays an important role in minimizing the effect of dizziness and nausea on long distance travel.


Further reading: Digitization of car's documents, a new step to be applied



Tips to avoid motion sickness while traveling:


1. Chewing gum:

Chewing gum while traveling helps to distract the person from thinking about turnover and nausea and reduces the impact of long distances on the person.


2. Look through the front window and focus on the fixed horizon.


3. Avoid reading:

Trying to read while traveling for long distances and at great speeds increase the feeling of nausea and dizziness. That is because book and lines will be moving along the vehicle and it will create the feeling of dizziness. It is important to avoid smartphones as well.


4. Engaging in activities do not require much focus:

You can engage yourself and children with games and activities that do not need a lot of  concentration and listen to music so that people and children forget that they are inside the car.


5. Keep the air fresh:

It is better to open the windows to enter the fresh natural air better than the air conditioning because natural air renews the activity of brain cells and it is very useful for people with motion sickness.


6. Avoid inhalation of smoke and harmful gases:

Smoking and inhaling harmful gases and smoke will increase the feeling of nausea and dizziness



Further reading: Unpredictable! How Much Do Automakers win?


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