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Watch: Tesla running 1000 km with one battery and breaking a new record!

By, 2018-06-18


Late last year, 30 copies of Tesla Model 3, the third electric car manufactured by the company, were announced by Tesla and the first two cars were S and X.


One of the most beautiful specifications of the car is the possibility of full control of the car through the smartphone, so the owners of Tesla Model 3 do not require to carry keys in their pockets. In addition, the process of charging the car can be charged by solar energy because they contain solar panels on the ceiling and it can be charged by electricity also.



Watch: Honda (Acura) NSX vs. Mercedes-AMG GT R.


From inside, the car has touch screens, radars, cameras, a self-driving system and a sensor to prevent traffic accidents. It can reach 130 km / h as a high speed. As for the price of the car, it does not exceed 35 thousand dollars.



Watch: Mercedes "Silent Car ": New Revolution in Cars' World!



What about the distance that a car can reach when it is charged once?


Tesla, the US company, stated that the car can travel 500 km when it is charged once, but is this the actual number? Or are there exceptions?


In response to the announcement, two young men from Colorado broke a new record by passing 1,000 kilometers after charging the Tesla Model 3 for one time only.


The young men needed 32 hours to drive the car for 1,000 km and the speed they were traveling was between 25 and 30 km / h.


Watch how they broke a new record:



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