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Watch: Car Vending Machine instead of chocolate

By, 2018-05-31


Humans get used to deal with vending machines that sell food, drinks and chocolate. And then some vending machines have appeared to make and sell pizza.  What will be your reaction if I told you that there are vending machines to sell cars!


Can you imagine yourself standing in front of a large vending machine looking at a car you may like to buy?


The idea of vending car machine has appeared last year with Autobahn adopting the idea in Singapore to sell cars in a large vending machine. The cars they offered were Ferrari, Lamborghini and Bentley.



Watch: Tesla pulls a Plane & creates a World Guinness record.



In 2017, Alibaba announced its plans to establish a vending machine to sell cars. Earlier this year, Ford revealed its cooperation with Alibaba in the establishment of the "Tmall Vending Machine" to sell cars.


The company has developed a mobile application that provides more control in the purchase from the machine, and consumers can test the car for about 3 days before the final purchase to ensure not tampering.


The Ford Vending machine differs from its predecessor from Autobahn, as Ford and Alibaba gives the customers more space in buying the car they want while the other allows only its employees to access the selection system.



Watch the video to see how to buy a car from a vending machine:





Watch: Not a Scene, It's totally true! watch the most dangerous cars acts.


You can sell your used cars or buy a used car as quickly as possible through Qmotor.



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