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Do not forget to keep these things in your car!

By, 2018-05-27


Who can guarantee what will happen to him during the day? Who among us can guarantee his car?

There are chances of being exposed to emergency things during the day, so we should always prepare ourselves for anything may happen by keeping some things that can help us in those situations, especially if we want to travel for places.

The car may crash, you may see an accident on the road or you may experience an accident. So you will feel more comfortable if you keep the tools, that we will mention, especially if you travel for long distances and on highways. Keeping the following things will make things easier for you and will reduce your losses.


What are the things you should never get rid of them from your car?


Small shovel:

Some may be surprised to keep a small shovel inside the car!

But if you like to drive on deserts and sandy roads, having this shovel is important because it will save you from the sand if you stuck in it as it will help you get rid of the sand around the tires.


Fire extinguisher:

The presence of a fire extinguisher is irreplaceable, and I think all of us are aware of the importance of extinguishing the fire!


Solid rope:

Do not forget to keep a rope inside your car, you may need to either pull the car or people from anywhere!


Battery-powered lamp:

The lamp is one of the most important things that you should keep inside your car because your car might be broken in a remote area without any source of light. So keeping a light with you helps you to check the defaults in the car. In addition, you might have to spend the night in the car, so a lamp is necessary to feel safe.


Emergency blanket:

You can use this blanket for several uses including covering yourself if you have to sleep in a cool place during the night or to reflect the sun because it contains materials that can reflect the sunlight.


Emergency triangle:

If you do not have at least one triangle, you are endangering the lives of others.

Having an emergency triangle is very important because you will need it to warn drivers that there is a crash on the road. It is preferable to keep more than one triangle.


First aid kit:

First aid kit is essential everywhere and at all times. You have also to know how to use everything inside it; you might save someone's life or your life.


Backup tire and air pump:

You can not escape from the need of changing your car's tire one day, so you should keep a spare tire and an air pump with you.


Battery connector:

You will need a battery connector if your car's battery is low.


You can sell your used cars or buy a used car as quickly as possible through Qmotor website.


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Tags: #Smallshovel


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