A few days and the holy month of Ramadan begins; Ramadan Kareem. The holy month comes this year in summer and thus increase the tiredness on some people, especially after a long and tired workday.
As traffic accidents increase during the holy month of Ramadan, it is important for drivers to be more careful while driving to keep everyone alive and to enjoy safe and comfortable driving.
Many people suffer from tiredness and sleepiness because of the low amount of sugar in the blood as a result of fasting for long hours and they have to drive back to their homes. They can avoid accidents by following some important tips.
Most fasting people stay up all night to find themselves in the morning having to go to work and endure work pressure and fasting, which makes them lose much concentration during driving. Sleeping for enough hours relieves poor concentration and the feeling of tiredness and exhaustion.
Being patient and restrained is one of the most important things that drivers and others should do during the holy month of Ramadan. Feeling tired may make people lose their patience.
You can not imagine yourself driving in a way full of reckless and impatient drivers.
Knowing the daily weather bulletin is very important to be prepared for any weather conditions that may occur and also to determine the hours of your driving. During fasting you need to focus more.
You can read what Qmotor publish about the weather in Qatar.
Traffic laws have been issued to be adhered, so make the holy month of Ramadan also a beginning for your compliance with traffic laws.
In addition, wearing the seatbelts and drive within the speed limits, especially before iftar, is becoming more important in Ramadan for the above reasons.
You can keep a bottle of water and dates in the car if you are late for home so you do not drive at high speeds before Iftar.
After Iftar, the body needs rest and not much effort because the blood flows to the stomach and the concentration of people decreases.
If you feel sleepy and tired during driving, stop by the side of the road and take a rest, and you can use public transport to avoid accidents.
Suhur is very important because it gives you a lot of energy to complete your day actively and vigorously, you will feel tired quickly if you do not eat Suhur and therefore will not be able to drive.
The brain is slow to take the right reaction at the right time during fasting, so you have to keep Space Cushion between you and other cars to avoid the sudden twist.
High temperature leads to faster fluid loss and makes you feel tired quickly.
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