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Consecutive Speed Bumps High Speed Testing

By, 2018-03-27



Speed bumps are not on the roads for nothing; they are there to reduce drivers' speed, especially in front of hospitals, schools, etc. No one likes bumps of course.


A lot of damages might be the result of speed bumps which we will talk about them later in that article. But, Have you ever tried to pass consecutive speed bumps on 240 km/h?


DestructionNation YouTube channel made a vehicle simulation using to test the result of passing over 100 consecutive speed bumps on a high speed; the result was destructive!


The result might differ between cars since there are low-riding cars and high-riding cars in which the damages will be less than the former.


A pickup truck and a large fan succeeded to pass the test and overcome all the bumps in the vehicle simulation test while other cars completely destroyed.


As above-mentioned,  bumps cause damages to the cars and these damages differ depending on the type of the car, the load, the speed of the car during passing the bumps and wither the car is a low-riding or high-riding.




Here are some of the damages:


          1. Wheel damages:

The wheels are the only part of the car that meets the ground so they are the first part of the car that might be damaged. It's advised to pay attention to your wheel type and pass the bump slowly.



2. Exhaust system damages:


if the speed bump is very high, it might cause damages to the Exhaust system particularly if your car is a low-riding resulting some wraps.



3. Shock Absorber damages:


The shock absorber role is limiting excessive suspension movement of the car caused by stones on the unpaved streets. Yet, it's not well prepared to save the car during passing speed bumps on high speeds; you will feel that you have lost your control over the car.



4. Suspension system damages:


In the former point, we have referred to that any damage of the shock absorber system will give you the feeling  that you have lost the control over your car. And that is the suspension system; you might feel that your car is driving into another destination you want.



5. Break any part of the lower car parts such as the engine or gearbox.



6. Disassembling the nuts and bolts that fix the car parts.



7. Damage and deformation of the vehicle's exterior structure.



You should be patient when you find any speed bumps on your way and follow these tips:


  1. Reduce the speed of the car gradually without severe pressure on the brake.
  2. Adjust the corners of the calf.
  3. Check the vehicle after the bumps and check the safety of tires and balance and check if there are some leaks in oil or cooling water.



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