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Renault Reveals EZ-GO Concept

By, 2018-03-07


Renault, a French multinational automobile manufacturer, reveals its EZ-Go concept in Geneva motor show  2018. EZ-Go is a stretch to Symbioz concept displayed at Frankfurt motor show in 2017; both of them share the same personal autonomous service while the EZ-Go is considered the urban version to the former.



EZ-Go depends on the level 4 of Levels of driving automation which means that EZ-Go has the ability to turn at intersections, change roads, and manage the allowed distance between cars. It also has an in front door for passengers and lights to lit the ramp. From inside, the seats have the U-shape in which the passengers face each other creating more social environment. It's worth mentioning that it has a glass panoramic sunroof.


 The car speed limit is 50 Km./h; in case of accidents close to it, it changes the way to more safer place by itself or by connecting to motoring center.


People can use the car for privet or public services;  Renault will release the first EZ-Go in 2020.

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