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7 Tips for Safe Driving beside Trucks

By, 2018-03-06


Usually, there is no specific road for cars only and another road for trucks; all vehicles are driving beside each other. Generally speaking, driving is dangerous and it becomes more dangerous if drivers do not know some tips prevented them from fatal accidents, especially, most of the accidents caused by trucks. So, will you take things seriously?

Trucks have completely different features from cars: size, shape, weight, and the way of driving. Be careful and follow these 7 tips to drive safely beside trucks without any fear:


1. Drive away from truck's blind spots

Trucks have blind spots on all sides: front, rear and alongside. These spots are considered to be the most dangerous for drivers of the normal cars since the driver of the truck can not see them at all if they were very close to the bumper of the truck, especially, the right bumper. In that case, the driver might change his way and then an awful accident could occur. Leave spaces between you and other trucks and avoid driving in the blinded spots, to avoid such accidents.

Mirrors will help you to determine these spots; if you see the truck's side mirror, the truck's driver sees you, too.


2. Don't cut in front

Trucks have a lot of weights behind and they need a lot of time, more than you. So do not cut in front a truck; the driver of the truck might not see you because of the blinded spots. Be patient.


3. Allow the truck's and its load passing

Notice the length of the truck's load before deciding to pass; it might have double load. Then you have to give it more room and time to pass.


4. Tune into turbulence

Your seatbelt is not enough! Trucks create more pressure and wind while driving. Your car may can not handle these sudden pressure if you were very close to it. keep a firm hold of your steering wheel.


5. Be careful during unstable weather

Driving becomes hard in the unstable weathers whether they are rainy, stormy or dusty. You have to be double-focused in such weathers.


6. Avoid driving when you are tired

As above mentioned, you MUST focus more during driving beside trucks. You can ask a helping hand from anyone if you are really tired.


7. Beware of rolls

Trucks need more room and they might need to go backwards. So do not forget to leave space between your car and the truck in all cases.

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