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How to Prepare your Car for the Winter Season

By, 2017-10-15


Its only a few weeks for the winter season to start in Qatar. During this time of year, car problems increase because of rain and because people drive off-road.


In order for the driver to be prepared in advance, and to avoid dangerous traffic situations or sudden road breakdowns, technical experts from ADAC, AvD and TÜV offer a range of important tips to avoid car breakdowns during the winter season.



First: Brakes


Ensuring the safety of the brakes is very important, as stopping on rainy roads requires longer distance. Brake efficiency can be tested in an empty road.


Second: Battery


The battery, especially the liquid, is the most sensitive part of the car. Therefore, a car technician should check the power of the re-charge and supply.


Third: Tires


Check your tire pressure and tread depth. Good tires are the key to staying on the road and keeping safe when the weather is questionable and snow and ice are falling from the sky. You can do your part to ensure your tires are in good shape with just a few simple steps.


First, check your tire pressure with a simple gauge sold at any auto supply store. Follow your manual’s recommendations for pressure level, and if your tires need air, fill them up at the gas station. Most gas stations offer free tire air fill-ups.


Fourth: Winter lights


Check all car lights, you will ned the lights more than other seasons as the day is shorter, clouds are more than usual, and light heads are at risk of getting water inside them.


Fifth: Windscreen


Inspect the windshield wipers and replace them if they are worn or have become hardened. Change the windshield wiper fluid with one that has antifreeze added to it.


Sixth: Cleaning the car regularly.


You must clean the car even if you think it is clean especially after a heavy rain shower. You also must clean the car even if more rain is expected.


We mean by cleaning “engine cleaning”. Driving over a rain puddle and not cleaning the engine after that will result into rust.

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