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Video.. Find out the maximum speed of a car in reverse

By, 2017-02-02


Pity poor reverse gear; new cars these days have 5, 6 and sometimes even 7 forward gears, but reverse gears gets only one.


So in these two videos, you will discover how fast a ride can go backwards in a car.


In the videos below, Autoblog website, a leading website in the auto industry, wanted to experience how fast a car can go in reverse gear. The team of Autoblog decided to use two cars for the experience, the first one is Ford Fusion and the second one is BMW M5.


Allen from Autoblog said "Cars have front suspensions that are meant to go forward, not back. That prevents any driver from getting any serious speed going backwards”.


In the video below, you will see the Ford Fusion going at the speed 65KM/h with the reverse gear which is considered to be a high speed.



In the second video, you will see the BMW M5 going on reverse, but this time the fasted speed registered is only 48Km/h



No doubts that manufacturers would not keep any information about the reverse speed. When the team of Autoblog asked General Motors if they kept top speed numbers on their reverse gears, they peered down at us over their reading glasses like we had asked to swing the family cat around the living room.

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