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No compensation for cars affected by the rain fall in Qatar

By, 2016-12-01


An announcement was sent by Qatar Central Bank to insurance companies to exempt them from compensating car owners affected by the rain fall earlier this week in Qatar. 



The exemption not including any policy that expressly provide insurance for damage caused by rain fall. The exemption also does not include car accidents.


Some officials from insurance companies mentioned to QMotor that the current insurance policies do not include coverage for damage caused by rain or floods to vehicles even if the insurance is full or comprehensive. The Officials requested from people who have been affected by the rain and floods to read the insurance policy which they signed. This policy defines the responsibilities of the insurance company.


On the other side, some individuals have accused insurance companies for not responding to their requests to compensate them for the damage caused by the rain fall. Some citizens and residents noted that insurance companies dodged the customer in different ways and turn to lawyers to make the process of compensation longer and more complicated. Some people also said that the winter season turned into a big business for insurance companies.

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