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After only 2 days of commuters happiness.. Doha Express Way is stuffed with Cameras

By, 2016-08-10

Commuters in Doha have expressed their joy after the Ministry of Interior (MOI) has taken away all the radars and cameras from the Doha Express Way (22 February Road).


According to an article which was published at, a number of commuters posted on social media that they are thrilled with the removal of Radars from the Doha Express way. Some other bloggers said that the traffic flow became better than ever, and that cameras were a major reason for slow traffic.


This Joy did not last for long time as the country’s Traffic Department has started, from yesterday, working on installing cameras and radars that are more advanced and capable of registering a number of traffic violations.


The new cameras will register violations like overtaking from the right side, stopping in emergency parking slots and in the yellow box and parking in areas dedicated for the disabled. The new cameras are also able to register violations such as unfastened seat belts and the use of mobile phones while driving.


Earlier this month, the ministry had made public announcement to install new cameras across Doha to register traffic violations.


(Smart Raders from the F Ring Road Doha)


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