Tires are the main concern for car owners because of their importance and the whole car depends on them since they are the only parts touching the ground. Being interested in tires is necessary to maintain your life and life of others and their property for any defect or damage in tires will lead to major disasters.
There are a lot of things that a driver should pay attention to in order to replace damaged tires on time to avoid tire blowout. Car owners should replace tires from time to time, maintain them and choose the appropriate ones for the vehicle. The process of selecting the appropriate tire includes knowing the meanings of letters and numbers on the tire.
Regular maintenance, being aware of all tire changes and replacement of damaged tires are road safety priorities that everyone should pay attention to.
Further reading:How to help your car tiers survive extreme heat during summer?
Tire cracks are the most visible marks on tires that cause great damage to the tire. Driving with cracks in the tire is very dangerous as these cracks can cause the explosion of the tire suddenly.
The cracks are caused by higher or lower temperature than usual for a long time without driving. In this case you have to change the tire completely and choose the appropriate tire of high quality.
Bubble in tire is an air bubble that occurs due to a leakage in the tire due to collision with something which causes cutting in the parts of the sidewall and entering the air between the folds of the tire layers. The egg on tire sidewall "bubble" affects its performance and makes the tire unable to withstand air pressure and becomes vulnerable to explosion at any time.
It may also be due to the use of tires with poor quality that are unsuitable for the vehicle or using expired tires.
Further reading: How Long Do Important Car Parts Last?
Corrosion often occurs as a result of changes in climatic conditions. You can observe tire corrosion by observing the change in tire's thickness and the erosion of the outer layers. You must change the tire in this case.
You can notice a tire defect if you hear sounds coming out the tires when driving on highways.
If you feel the movement of your car with vibrations in the car, although you are driving on a flat surface, the vibration might be caused by the tires. They may not be installed well or there is a defect in the air pressure.
You may have a problem with the air leak in the tire from time to time but if the air leak occurs continuously and repeatedly you should pay attention because this means that there is a problem within the tire.
Further reading: Do your car parts speak?
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