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Do your car parts speak?

By, 2018-08-05

car parts speak of its condition


The car can not speak literally! But it can send some signals to warn you that there is a defect that needs repair as soon as possible. The cars are designed to help drivers anticipate and feel a breakdown in the car. For example, the control panel might light up red buttons to warn you that there are some problems in your car. In addition, some noises might be produced to alert the driver of some defaults to repair them as soon as possible.


Further reading: Common car breakdowns: causes and solutions


It is necessary to understand your car and to learn how to read the signals it sends and differentiate between normal and abnormal ones. It requires some experience and time to get used to your car, the sounds and how each part works normally and then you will be able to determine by yourself if your car suffers from any defect or not.


What do your car parts tell you about its condition?


If you notice these signs and signals from the parts of your car, you have to examine them solve the problems:


1. Difficulty in moving the gear:


Having a difficulty in moving the gear, transmission, means that there is a problem in the gearbox or a shortage of gear oil, which also needs to be changed from time to time, a corrosion in the gear. Ignoring these signals and signs can cause more problems that cost you more and endanger your life and the lives of others.


2. Bad smell from exhaust:


It is known that the exhaust has a bad smell, but sometimes it may produce a very bad smell and the reason for this smell might be the presence of leaks in some fluids, which may have been burned or because of a problem in the exhaust pipes or malfunction in the engine led to the complete burning of fuel. If you can not determine the cause of the problem, you can ask a specialist mechanic to find and solve the problem.


3. Colored smoke from the exhaust:


Natural smoke from the exhaust is transparent. If the color of the smoke changes and becomes white or black or blue, it means there are serious problems in the car, as each color indicates a certain type of breakdown. Read the following article about the color of smoke from the exhaust and what it indicates for more details.


4. vibration in steering wheel:


The steering wheel controls the whole vehicle. Any default in the engine endangers your life since you will not be able to handle the car which might deviate from its right path causing fatal disasters.  


5. Problems in tires:


We all know the importance of tires being the only part that touches the ground. The existence of any defect and not installing the appropriate tires that are free from any cracks would  threaten your life and the lives of others. So you should check your vehicle tires constantly .


Further reading: The meaning of numbers and letters on tires


Sell your used car or buy a car here.





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