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An on fire BMW has Caused a Complete Destruction of a House

By, 2018-05-02


The news of a house catching fire and destroyed completely has spread widely on social media as well as the American media, Since this is the first time that a car, BMW, causing a complete destruction of a house.


Investigations have shown that the only reason for the house burning  is the home-based BMW in California. The American media has spread the news with amazed, as the car caught fire for no reason while standing in the garage of the house!


According to the story of the owner, she was willing to go out and headed for the garage to get in her car, to be surprised by huge fire devouring the car without any reason. When the firefighters arrived, the flames burned and destroyed the house completely. The Civil Defense needed 302.8 thousand liters of water to Suppress the fire.


This is not the first time that a BMW car to burned out without any reason. Over the past five years, ABC has reported that more than 40 BMW cars have been set on fire in the United States.


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