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More than 500,000 people watched the QMotor Video

By, 2017-05-27


During one of the spring days in Qatar, and before three months exactly, QMotor team sat together to brain storm advertsing ideas that will change the car adverting culture in Qatar. The idea which the team was looking for must be suitable for Qataris and residence, male and female, young and old generations. Few hours later, “Abu Nasser” idea pops up.


Abu Nasser


Abu Nasser is the main cartoon character of the QMotor advertising video. Abu Nasser expresses the reality of a young Qatari person who is trying to sell his car and buy a new one.


In the video, Abu Nasser comes to know about the best and most affective way of selling a car in Qatar, which is listing the car on QMotor website or mobile application. After one usage of the QMotor application, Abu Nasser now can sell or buy any car in Qatar.


"Abu Nasser advert will change the concept of selling a car in Qatar," said Mo'men Noman, E-marketing Manager at QMoter. “There will be no waiting anymore, the seller will not need to wait in the heat while the representative takes photos and information of the car. The seller is also not required to drive to a studio so that some photos of the car is taken. With QMotor website and mobile app, Anyone can list his/her car for sale in less than 5 minutes” Noman added.


The cartoon advert and number of views


The moment the advertising video was released, thousands of people shared it on social media platforms and WhatsApp. The video was available for 2 weeks on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube, and has made over 500,000 views.



The views are broken down into; Facebook: 300,000 views, Instagram: 110,000 views, Youtube: 50,000 views, and WhatsApp: 50,000 views (Approximately)


The adverting video achieved more than 500,000 views in Qatar


Today, and despite the young age of QMotor, it has become the favourite platform for many people in Qatar because it is  a) easy to use, b) specialised in cars only, and c) reasonably priced. Therefore, more than 30,000 people have used QMotor to sell their cars in the last 2 years.


About QMotor


Live since 2014, Q Motor website and Mobile Application is the Qatar’s leading motoring website with monthly unique users of up 200,000. This strong position means Q Motor operates one of the top Qatar marketplace for motorists and offers unrivalled response to customers' advertisements.


If you have missed watching this video or you wish to watch it again, we made it avialbe here


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