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These signs indicate that you are about to get into a car accident

By, 2017-05-22

Yawning driving


The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published a series of physical signs that appear on the driver and serve as warning signs that the driver is about to go unconscious due to the body's need to sleep.


These are the most common signs, as stated in the CDC report; a) increased rate of eye blinking, b) the length of closing the eye during blinking is increased, c) the lack of knowledge about the distance traveled, and the speed of traveling, d) constant yawning, e) sudden deviation of the car from the track, f) starring at objects on the road without realising.


And to avoid catastrophic accidents that may result from being exhausted during driving; CDC advised anyone who feels the above symptoms to stop at the nearest services and take a rest for 15 to 20 minutes before continue to drive.


It is also recommended to drink caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and “karak” which is available everywhere in Doha. The report also advised drivers to listen to the radio loudly or have a conversation with the people in the car and to open the windows to get fresh air.




In 2013, the National Highway Safety Administration stated that the number of accidents from tiredness exceeded 72,000 accidents.


The latest UN reports confirmed that 1.3 million people loose their lives every year due to road accidents, as well as millions who end up with permanent injuries.

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