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Tesla to end the era of the windshield wipers

By, 2019-12-08

Tesla Wind wipers


QMotor - If we compare the car parts in the 1920s and the car parts now, we will see a big difference in the extent of development of these parts, except for the front wipers of the screen!


The windshield wipers are one of the oldest technologies in cars, as we have not seen any development or change of them over more than 100 years, but this old technology appears to be on the way to disappear, as Tesla scientists have developed a new laser-based technology to remove dirt and dust from the windshield of the car .


Tesla has already obtained a patent for this new alternative technology to conventional glass wipers, and has been dubbed “the pulse laser cleaning of debris accumulating on glass materials in dumps.” And this new technology depends on determining the place that needs cleaning on the windshield, whether it is dirt, liquid or other things, and then the laser rays are fired at it to destroy or burn anything that is not required above the glass.


But it is not clear how the laser works during rain, etc., and this system may not be a substitute for normal spaces but only an auxiliary to them!


It is reported that Tesla also wants to apply this new technology outside of cars, as it can be adapted to remove debris and dirt from solar panels on rooftops, instead of climbing over them to clean them.


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