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Strange Facts about Trump's new car

By, 2017-01-16


In few days, we will see Donald Trump's new car in the inauguration of the President of the United States which is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of a president of the United States.


General Motors, the massive American car manufacturer, was spotted testing the new car of Donald Trump, who was elected recently to become the next USA president.


The “Ghost”, as the new president's car will be called, will replace the “Beast” that protected Barak Obama for many years.


Costs $15 million


Fox News has recently mentioned that General Motors won a contract worth $15 million to design and produce the President’s car. It is also worth mentioning that the White House owns 12 Presidency cars kept in different places for the Presidents visits.


Heavy body ..


The car will weigh more than 8 tons, this is due to the large amount of metal used in the car. The thickness of the passenger door is more than 20.3 cm, and weight of the door is equivalent to the weight of the door of the "Boeing 747" aircraft. The "Ghost" will be airtight to protect the president from any chemical or biological attack.



What if the air is poisoned?


The "Ghost" is fitted with oxygen pipes to keep enough oxygen level inside the car. And if the air is polluted around the car, the windows will shut automatically, and will get locked. Certainly all the glass in the car is bulletproofed and will not break in case of many types of bombs attacks.


Tires ... What's New?


The tires are coated with a material called "Kevlar" to protect them from explosions, even in any type of harsh climate and rugged roads.


What if the fuel tank is targeted..


Fuel tank contains a certain type of foam that prevents the tank from explosions, even if it was directly targeted.


Blood bags..


In the event assailants managed to reach Trump in his car and harm him, the car will include blood bags of the same blood type as Trump, in case of the need for blood transfusions on the road for any reason.


Now an interesting question might come up… Where does the president car go after service??

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